
Health & Wellness: Pertinent medicare questions answered by Debra Sephton

As an independent broker we have many clients, each have different needs and circumstances, and all are unique. Here are the most common questions...

Health & Wellness: Weight gain as we age isn’t inevitable

It seems to be almost a fact of life that as we get older we also get heavier. Why does this happen? And is...

Health & Wellness: Taking care of your knees

Throughout my chiropractic schooling there were a few experiences that left a major impression on me, one of which being the first time I...

Health & Wellness: Your golf game and your spine

The difference between complex movements and complicated motions is a degree of fine tuning. Such tuning can take a toddler banging pots and pans...

Health & Wellness: Imbalanced Neck Muscles and Chronic Pain

Balance in the human body, is important in many different ways including the balance needed between different muscle groups. This applies to all parts...

Health & Wellness: Can massage therapy help you?

You might think that massage therapy is a modern trend that natural healing practitioners are pushing. That’s partially true. The medical benefits of massage...

Health & Wellness: Joshua Wright, chiropractor, talks about fasciitis problems

Walking, stair climbing, jogging and even relaxing at the end of the day can all bring about the stifling experience of plantar fasciitis. Since...

Health & Wellness: Carpal Tunnel syndrome symptoms and how to deal with them

The use of our hands in daily activities requires harmony between muscles, nerves, bones and more. Ideally our grip closes with confidence in a...

Health & Wellness: Winter is for lovers…

It’s no secret that September is the most popular birthday month. Have you ever wondered why that is? Turn the clock back nine months...

Health & Wellness: Ways of clearing the cobwebs as we get older…

As we grow older, many of us notice a decreased ability to remember a person’s name, a sequence of events or even what we...

Health & Wellness: What diet is best for you: keto, paleo, vegetarian…

Given the progression of knowledge and change in past beliefs that has emerged over the years about what foods will create the greatest nutrition,...

Health & Wellness: Choosing the Change that Creates Wellness

With plenty of talk about how our thoughts can impact our wellness, even with a deep dive, one could study this for a lifetime...

Health & Wellness: Health Insurance Questions

Q: When is Open Enrollment for Health Insurance?A: Other than Employer Group Insurance, Health Insurance for Individuals and Families started November 1st and ends...

Health & Wellness: Alternate Workout Ideas

As we age, and it doesn’t matter how old you are right now, physical activity remains just as important for maintaining overall health, mobility,...