1975 Twelve residents got together and established the Garden Club for the purpose of exchanging information about gardening, according to the earliest available record.
1976 The first recorded meeting was held on June 28 at the Valencia House (an ITT model home) with 24 members on the roster. Dues: $2.00 per year
1977 Membership: 47. The first project was started and was called the “House Beautiful” Award
1978 First Annual Plant Sale was held at Village Greenery.
1979 The first Bylaws were adopted in the Fall. Meetings were held from September to June. The first In Club Flower Show was held in the May meeting at the Y.M.C.A.
1980 Membership totaled 76. The Plant Exchange Project was introduced.
1982 Membership: 120.
The first annual Spring Plant Sale took place in March.
1984 Membership: 100.
The Garden Club was Incorporated as “The Garden Club at Palm Coast, Inc.”
1986 Membership: 124. The Community Gardens at the Community Center were officially named the Dick Wareham Community Gardens in honor to him and his wife.
1987 Members: 159. The fifteenth Community Garden was planted on September. The Arrangers’ Guild a group within the Garden Club was formed and began meetings on the first Wednesday of the month.
1990 Membership: over 200. The Horticultural Guild was established to provide direction for the Wareham Gardens.
1993 Membership: Individual 96, Couples 43, and Honorary 5.
The club undertook a standard Flower Show bi-annually and in April was the 6th show.
1997 Membership: Individual 68, Couples 26, and Honorary 7. Dues: Increased to $15 for individual and $25 for couple.
1998 Membership: Individual 74, Couples 24, and Honorary 8. The Garden Club conducted the first Community Garden Tour of 11 homes and the park gardens.
1999 The Scholarship Fund was established to support local high school students residing in Flagler County who wanted to continue their education in agriculture, horticulture and environmental sciences.
2000 Membership: Individual 64, Couples 23, Honorary 8, Life 2
The 25th Birthday of the Garden Club was celebrated with a luncheon at Hammock Dunes, chaired by Arlene Tobia.
2001 Membership: Individual-78, Couples-25, Honorary-7, Life-2. Plant sales of members’ propagated plants were decided to be held at various monthly meetings.
2002 Membership: Individual-64, Couple-22, Distinguish-2, Honorary-5, Life-2. Community Flower Show: The Arrangers’ Guild held its 10th Biennial Community Flower Show on May at the Daytona Community College, Flagler/Palm Coast Campus.
2004 Membership: Individual-86, Couples-31, Distinguished-6, Honorary-5, Life-2. The 11th Biennial Community Flower Show took place on Saturday and Sunday, May 1-2, at Daytona Beach CC.
2005 Membership: Individual-73, Couple-28, Distinguished-6, Honorary-5, Life-2. Thirtieth anniversary of the club.
2011 Membership: 79 Individual, 16 Couples, 6 Distinguished, 4 Honorary.
The Trash to Treasure Sale was held on October 15 at the Palm Coast CC.
2013 Membership: 111 members as of 11/3/13. The 15th Flower Show and Plant Sale was held on April 13-14.
2014 Membership: Individual 80, Couples 15, Distinguished 6, Honorary 4. The second Expo and Plant Sale took place at the Community Center.
2015 Membership: Individual 83, Couples 14, Distinguished 6, Honorary 4. 2015 marks the formal creation of the Propagation Guild as a Standing Committee of the Club. The Annual Picnic was held at Bing’s Landing on May 11th.
2017 Membership: Individual 81, Couples 18, Distinguished 6, Honorary 8. The 5th Spring Festival and Plant Sale was held at Palm Coast Town Center.
2018 Membership: Individual 89, Couples 18, Distinguished 9, Honorary 9. The 6th Spring Festival and Plant Sale was held at Central Park in Palm Coast Town Center on April 7.
2019 Membership: Individual 108, Couples 34, Distinguished 10, Honorary 9. The Palm Coast Spring Festival and Plant Sale was held April 13 at Flagler Palm Coast High School. Treasures in the Attic took place at Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church on March 9.
2020 (Covid year) Membership: Total membership 155, Individual 111, Couples 22, Distinguished 9, Honorary 6.
2021 Membership: Individual-126, Couples-20, Distinguished-14, Honorary-4, Master Gardeners-6. Palm Coast Annual Spring Festival and Plant Sale was held at Flagler Palm Coast High school on April 17.