Walking, stair climbing, jogging and even relaxing at the end of the day can all bring about the stifling experience of plantar fasciitis. Since your feet are essentially where the rubber meets the road, the place where all of the complex biomechanics of the movements between the spine, the pelvis, and legs meet the hardened ground on which we walk, debilitating pain in this area can be life changing.
The foot has a built in suspension mechanism that transfers the pressure generated from each step taken through the ankle to the knee and beyond. If the foot is no longer able to transfer, i.e relay pressure, then more responsibility is placed on the ankle and knee, and eventually the hip and lower back if no therapeutic action is taken to restore normal function of the limb.
The majority of patients I see with lower back pain actually do have feet and ankles that don’t move as freely or as strongly as they should. This perspective on how different joints of the body work together is Wholistic, or Holistic, that is seeing the body as a ‘whole.’
One more component in the equation of foot pain vs foot health is the fascia that connects the foot into the lower leg, on to the upper leg, the spine, the shoulders etc. Fascia is a fascinatingly strong connective material that ties together the contraction of muscles all throughout the body.
For example, fascia on the back of the leg connects the function of the calf and hamstrings to the function of the muscles of the foot. Recent studies show fascia sends signals from one end of the body to the other faster than those impulses sent over the nervous system. The nature of those signals, either normal or painful, is determined in part by the proper alignment of the bones of the body and balanced tone of its muscles.
Tone of the musculature is not a comment on the strength of the muscle or mobility of the joint, but is rather reflective of the quality of the communication between the muscle tissue and the part of the nervous system designated for its functioning. Through Applied Kinesiology, practitioners can isolate and test individual muscles to determine the cause of dysfunction along what are known as fascial trains, series of muscles connected by fascia.
Often, many muscles that share fascia will test similarly. For those patients with plantar fasciitis it is not uncommon to see weak calves, hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles.
In this writers opinion, the most effective and efficient therapy involves strengthening and properly toning ALL muscles involved while realigning ALL joints involved. To better understand this thoroughness you’re welcome to schedule an evaluation at Pivotal Health Systems by calling 386-999-3363 to schedule an appointment.
In summary, the fascia on the sole of your foot, the location of the frustrating pain known as Plantar Fasciitis, is influenced by all the joints and muscles in the leg, hip, and lower back.
While stretching and foam rolling may offer immediate relief, almost a good “hurt” type of feeling, such relief is typically short lived and the pain can be transferred to other areas of the body. The body’s natural reaction to any stretch of a muscle is to better facilitate the contraction, or shortening of that muscle. One needs just to look at the movement of a major league pitcher to see how a stretched chest muscle can so powerfully snap together to propel the ball towards the plate.
For those of you who do pride yourself on a regular stretching routine I strongly suggest balancing every joint. For example, if you stretch your calf muscle also spend equal amounts of time and effort on the muscles of the shin.
Physical therapists, yoga instructors, physical trainers and chiropractors should all be able to guide you in formatting an effective routine for your mobility. Since there are many things you can do to invest in the health of your feet, follow Pivotal Health Systems on Facebook for videos on daily self care routines for your joints. You brush your teeth every day, why wouldn’t you regularly care for your feet?
A thorough evaluation at Pivotal Health Systems, or other aptly trained practitioner, will reveal all the factors involved in foot pain, be it plantar fasciitis or something else. After the first treatment patients typically feel relief and are empowered with specific exercise and even nutritional programs to facilitate their healing. Follow up visits are made as frequently as necessary to correct the underlying causes and ensure lasting relief, without the need for drugs or surgery.