Given the progression of knowledge and change in past beliefs that has emerged over the years about what foods will create the greatest nutrition, vitality and health, it can be confusing to know which food choices will work best for our bodies. Whenever one dives deep into researching any of the better known diet methodologies, they all have in-depth research to back them up.
When Dr. Fung wrote The Obesity Code, he informed us that, “The abrupt increase in obesity began exactly with the officially sanctioned move toward a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet,” it made many people re-look at how to manage what was “healthy.” The “food pyramid” that some of us grew up with, is, of course, no longer valid. Often what occurs then when people choose a “diet plan” to improve their health, weight and/or vitality, is they tend to judge what is best based on cognitive research or other’s advice. What if there is another more individual way?
What if each body is so unique that no amount of research could hand you the perfect plan without you actually checking in with and knowing your body? In studying the Blood Type Diet or the Ayurvedic Body Types, it starts to become clear that what might make one person thrive, could make another person sick. In the book Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. D’Adamo claims that “the foods you eat react chemically with your blood type. If you follow a diet designed for your blood type, your body will digest food more efficiently. You’ll lose weight , have more energy, and help prevent disease.” Additionally, Ayurvedic practitioner, Kathryn Templeton, explains that there are “three doshas at work in every human being” defining how to balance your diet. Your predominant dosha helps to define which foods add to your energy and well-being.
Age, enzyme production, and seasons of the year can also become a factor in how differently we eat. C. Peter Herman from the University of Toronto suggests that “people eat less when it is hot, and that they eat ‘lighter’ and ‘cooler”’foods,” to regulate their body temperature.”
With all of this being the case, are you even more confused?! What are some ways to become more aware of what to put into your body if you don’t have time to research and experiment with so many points of view?
What if your body has an innate intelligence beyond the logical, thinking brain and you can communicate with it? Hint: it may not communicate in words.
1) Notice how your body responds to certain foods – do you feel tired after eating some foods? Are some foods hard to digest?
Do you sleep well at night? Does your body tend towards different foods when the climate changes?
2) Are you choosing your foods based on someone telling you that they are “healthy” or on your own body’s response to them?
3) Food that is local, fresh, whole (not processed), nutrient-dense, and preferably organic or chemical-free is always a good bet in terms of delivering more nutrients to your body without complex digestion involved.
4) If you are bold enough to “learn by doing” choose a book like The Plan by Lyn-Genet Recitas. In it she details, “The Plan is not a diet. It is a way of changing how you eat — for life. You discover the foods that are healthy for you.” She starts you off with the least inflammatory, nutritious foods, and then you add on new foods to check to see how you do with each new food.
5) Start asking your body to communicate clearly when you have eaten something that doesn’t agree or totally work with it.
Notice your body patterns after certain foods even if they are labeled as “healthy” by others.
6) Instead of following your mind or your cravings, let your body’s communication to you be the guide.