There is still plenty of time to help area charities provide Christmas cheer for those in need. Here is a listing of Palm Coast/Flagler County groups that help others.
Salvation Army
With its permanent theme, “Doing the Most Good,” the Salvation Army is synonymous with giving help at the holidays. Giving to them is simple: Just go to any big box or grocery store between the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. You’ll hear the ringing of the bell, possibly a carol being sung by the attendant, and you will see the Army’s classic red bucket with the slot at the top for depositing dollars and coins. Call the SA at (386) 437-0029. Their store is located at 1504 Old Moody Blvd and their corporate offices are located at 700 E. Moody Blvd. Both locations in Bunell.
Christmas Come True
This is the brainchild of Nadine King, whose love of all things Christmas has created a group that goes all out to help at the holidays. This group interviews each family it helps to ensure that its gifting is just what is needed and wanted. The group provides a personalized Christmas dinner, new clothing, gifts, toys and Christmas stocking stuffed with goodies and personal hygiene items. Contact them via their website: or by calling (386) 302-1290. They are located at 2729 E. Moody Blvd, Suite #1, in Bunnell, where one can also shop their store, “Begin Again Home Goods.”
Grace Community Food Bank
Associated with the Grace Tabernacle Ministries International, this food bank provides needed food items for more than 4,000 local families per month. Donate online to this group at their website: Phone this group at (386) 586-2653. They are located at 5400 E. Highway 100 in Palm Coast.
Live Like Cameron Foundation
This group brings Christmas to kids receiving cancer treatment during the holidays. Along with gifts (and treats if allowed), they also supply comfortable bedding for the child’s hospital stay as well as decoration for the hospital room. Contact them online at:
Emmanuel’s Closet
Located at 1000 Palm Coast Pkwy (next to Phoenix Jewelry) Emmanual’s Closet provides good second-hand clothing for single mothers with children under 19, homeless men and women and senior citizens on fixed incomes. Donations can be dropped oof any time in the metal donation box or they can also be made inperson on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 AM to noon. Their website is at
Thanks for helping local charities!